Friday, February 12, 2021

Please Support A Mass Vaccination Site In Our Region!


Residents 65 and over please respond to survey below:

As one of the 17 towns in the Nashoba Board of Health region we have been undersupplied with the COVID-19 vaccines. We have been allocated 200 weekly vaccines which must be split between the 17 towns served within the NBOH region and there is no guarantee those 200 will continue to come each week. Our residents, including our oldest, are expected to travel more than an hour to obtain a vaccine at one of the state’s mass vaccination sites. The Councils on Aging find this unacceptable and we expect you do as well.

Our State Representative, Sheila C. Harrington has advocated to Governor Baker for a mass site or minimally, additional vaccines for this region. To support that advocacy, we are asking everyone in the Nashoba Board of Health region who is over 65 years, to make it their priority and complete a vaccine informational survey.  This survey will be available on line until 4pm Tuesday, February 16 however, we encourage you to do it now. Please use this link:

to answer the 10-question survey.  Your input will provide the much-needed data to present to the Governor and other policy makers in our Commonwealth.

We understand that this survey gathering method has its limitations as it does not reach those without access to the internet or those who do not use a computer.  However, we hope it will provide enough data to create a picture of need in our area.

Please feel free to forward this to anyone in the target age group, 65 and older, who resides in one of the 17 towns the Nashoba Board of Health serves: Ashburnham, Ashby, Ayer, Berlin, Bolton, Boxborough, Dunstable, Groton, Harvard, Lancaster, Littleton, Lunenburg, Pepperell, Shirley, Stow and Townsend.

Thank you for your support in this critical action, 

Councils on Aging of the Nashoba Associated Boards of Health member communities.