Fire Chief Bussell walks the BoS through a session on the Fire Department and Emergency Services Budget. Learn more about the budget – check out the recording and the accompanying presentation.
Fire Chief Bussell walks the BoS through a session on the Fire Department and Emergency Services Budget. Learn more about the budget – check out the recording and the accompanying presentation.
Agenda for the Finance Committee Meeting, February 2, 2021 at 7:30pm. Members of the public cannot attend in person. In order to access and participate in this meeting, you will need to so by telephone or computer.
Connection details:
Meeting ID: 685 951 5516
Passcode: 248516
Please adhere to the following rules when joining the meeting to allow the meeting to be conducted efficiently:
Here is a list of instructions for connecting to the meeting by phone or by computer/tablet.
The State of Massachusetts has a plan to roll out the COVID-19 vaccine to the citizens of Massachusetts and that plan can be reviewed at The Board of Health is currently assisting with State’s roll out plan; we completed the 1st dose clinics for the First Responders.
As a vaccine provider we must administer the vaccine in accordance with the State’s plan and as vaccine becomes available. Boards of Health are informed about the opening of the various priority groups, within each Phase, at about the same time as the residents of the State.
The Board of Health will inform the community as we are able to provide vaccinations but individuals looking to get vaccinated should take the following steps in pursuit of becoming vaccinated:
Connection details:
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Here are a list of instructions for connecting to the meeting by phone or by computer/tablet.
Access the online meeting in one of two ways:
Enter Meeting ID when dialing in by phone: 879 0684 3524
Meeting Password: 373194
Please adhere to the following rules when joining the meeting to allow the meeting to be conducted efficiently:
Connection details:
Meeting ID: 115 201 480 (you will be asked to enter this number)
One tap mobile:
Please adhere to the following rules when joining the meeting to allow the meeting to be conducted efficiently:
Here are a list of instructions for connecting to the meeting by phone or by computer/tablet.
Meeting documents are available from the Planning Board page.
Access the online meeting in one of two ways:
Meeting ID: 876 0964 1256
Password: 983732
Dial by your location
+1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown)
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
Please adhere to the following rules when joining the meeting to allow the meeting to be conducted efficiently:
Connection details:
Meeting ID: 685 951 5516
Passcode: 248931
Please adhere to the following rules when joining the meeting to allow the meeting to be conducted efficiently:
Here are a list of instructions for connecting to the meeting by phone or by computer/tablet.
Connection details:
Meeting ID: 685 951 5516
Passcode: 248931
Please adhere to the following rules when joining the meeting to allow the meeting to be conducted efficiently:
Here is a list of instructions for connecting to the meeting by phone or by computer/tablet.
Exciting news! Ashby has been working on this project since 2012 and has received notification of final approval from Mass DEP, January 20, 2021, for our public drinking water well located at the Grange pump house.
Ashby now has public drinking water available for the Legion, Grange, and the Congregation church. As part of the pump house upgrade, Ashby also received approval for an outside spigot for townspeople to fill drinking water containers, if they have a problem with their wells.
Check out the approval from Mass DEP.
Curl up by the fire and grab a book you got from the library! Check out the library’s latest newsletter to learn what’s going on at the Ashby Free Public Library!
Meeting Agenda for the Conservation Commission meeting, January 26, 2021 at 11am ET. Please note the time change.
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How to guide for joining Zoom meeting with computer for video and phone for audio
Connection details:
Meeting ID: 115 201 480 (you will be asked to enter this number)
One tap mobile:
Please adhere to the following rules when joining the meeting to allow the meeting to be conducted efficiently:
Here are a list of instructions for connecting to the meeting by phone or by computer/tablet.
View the schedule of positions available.
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