Thursday, December 24, 2009
Last Day to Register to Vote in Special State Election
December 30, 2009 is the last day to Register to Vote in the Special State Election for U.S. Senator. The election will be held on January 19, 2010, 7:00 am to 8:00 pm.
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Selectmen's Agenda, Dec. 23, 2009
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
1. 7:00 p.m. - Selectmen Open Board of Selectmen’s Meeting
2. Request for Selectmen to Arrange for Funding to Cover Police Chief Search Committee’s Expenses (Police Chief Search Committee)
3. Selectmen Approve Minutes of November 16, December 8 and December 9, 2009
4. Selectmen Approve and Sign Payroll Warrant W25P in the amount of $51,633.79 and Vendor Warrant 26B in the amount of $39,457.04
5. 7:30 p.m. – Selectmen hold Continuation of CDBG FY10 Application Hearing from December 9, 2009 (MRPC)
6. Request for Selectmen’s Signatures on Letter Designating the Chairman of the Board of Selectmen as Environmental Certifying Officer for 2010 Housing Rehabilitation Project and Infrastructure Project
7. Request for Selectmen’s Signatures on the CDBG FY09 Contract for Financial Literacy Training Counseling Services
8. Request for Selectmen’s Signatures on State Election Warrant
9. Request for Selectmen’s Approval and Signature on Request for Reserve Fund Transfer in the amount of $12.43 to the Historical Commission Expenses Account
10. Town Administrator’s Report
11. Public Comments (if any)
12. Adjourn
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
1. 7:00 p.m. - Selectmen Open Board of Selectmen’s Meeting
2. Request for Selectmen to Arrange for Funding to Cover Police Chief Search Committee’s Expenses (Police Chief Search Committee)
3. Selectmen Approve Minutes of November 16, December 8 and December 9, 2009
4. Selectmen Approve and Sign Payroll Warrant W25P in the amount of $51,633.79 and Vendor Warrant 26B in the amount of $39,457.04
5. 7:30 p.m. – Selectmen hold Continuation of CDBG FY10 Application Hearing from December 9, 2009 (MRPC)
6. Request for Selectmen’s Signatures on Letter Designating the Chairman of the Board of Selectmen as Environmental Certifying Officer for 2010 Housing Rehabilitation Project and Infrastructure Project
7. Request for Selectmen’s Signatures on the CDBG FY09 Contract for Financial Literacy Training Counseling Services
8. Request for Selectmen’s Signatures on State Election Warrant
9. Request for Selectmen’s Approval and Signature on Request for Reserve Fund Transfer in the amount of $12.43 to the Historical Commission Expenses Account
10. Town Administrator’s Report
11. Public Comments (if any)
12. Adjourn
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Results of Special Town Meeting, 11-30-2009
November 30, 2009
The warrant was returned to the Town Clerk by Constable William Davis at 6:50 PM.
With a quorum present, the Moderator Peter Rourke called the meeting to order at 7:04 PM.
The warrant showed it had been properly served.
The motion was made and seconded to waive the reading of the warrant, and so voted.
The rules of the meeting were read.
The motion was made and seconded to allow the moderator to declare a two-thirds vote, and so voted.
Article 1. The motion was made and seconded to transfer the sum of $47.58 from the Town
Report account to the Prior Year Bills account for the purpose of paying a prior year Cemetery bill.
Article 2. The motion was made and seconded to transfer the sum of $75.00 from the Town Report account to the Prior Year Bills account for the purpose of paying a prior year Police Department Expenses bill.
Article 3. The motion was made and seconded to transfer the sum of $18.76 from the Town Report account to the Prior Year Bills account for the purpose of paying a prior year EMS bill.
Article 4. The motion was made and seconded to appropriate the sum of $50,199 from Free Cash for the purpose of paying the FY10 budget shortfall as a result of the reduction in State Aid.
Article 5. The motion was made and seconded to appropriate the sum of $54,340.82 from Free Cash for the purpose of paying the FY09 deficit created by the unreimbursed costs of the December 11, 2008 ice storm.
Article 6. The motion was made and seconded to transfer the sum of $750 from the
Collector Expenses account to the Assistant Collector Wages account for the purpose of paying assistant collector wages.
Article 7. The motion was made and seconded to approve the Treasurer’s borrowing in
anticipation of State Aid for an amount not to exceed $495,000 that has been approved by the Department of Revenue Emergency Board for the purpose of paying bills and payroll.
Article 8. The motion was made and seconded to rescind its May 5, 2007 Annual Town
Meeting vote on Article 24 allocating the sum of $142,025.40 from the Stabilization Fund to pay for the Town’s portion of a Small Town Road Assistance grant pursuant to 720 CMR 11:00 contingent on receipt of said grant.
Article 9. The motion was made and seconded to transfer the sum of $500.00 from the
Town Report account to the Highway Regular Overtime account for the purpose of paying
Highway overtime wages.
Article 10. The motion was made and seconded to appropriate the sum of $2,930 from Free Cash to the Technology and Systems account for the purpose of paying for computer equipment and services.
Article 11. The motion was made and seconded to appropriate the sum of $5,900 from Free Cash to the Highway Wages account for the purpose of paying highway wages.
Article 12. The motion was made and seconded to accept Massachusetts General Law,
Chapter 143, Section 3Z allowing a part-time building inspector to perform construction work in the town in which he is inspector.
The motion was made and seconded to dissolve the Special Town Meeting at 7:58 PM , and so voted.
Lorraine Pease
Ashby Town Clerk
November 30, 2009
The warrant was returned to the Town Clerk by Constable William Davis at 6:50 PM.
With a quorum present, the Moderator Peter Rourke called the meeting to order at 7:04 PM.
The warrant showed it had been properly served.
The motion was made and seconded to waive the reading of the warrant, and so voted.
The rules of the meeting were read.
The motion was made and seconded to allow the moderator to declare a two-thirds vote, and so voted.
Article 1. The motion was made and seconded to transfer the sum of $47.58 from the Town
Report account to the Prior Year Bills account for the purpose of paying a prior year Cemetery bill.
Article 2. The motion was made and seconded to transfer the sum of $75.00 from the Town Report account to the Prior Year Bills account for the purpose of paying a prior year Police Department Expenses bill.
Article 3. The motion was made and seconded to transfer the sum of $18.76 from the Town Report account to the Prior Year Bills account for the purpose of paying a prior year EMS bill.
Article 4. The motion was made and seconded to appropriate the sum of $50,199 from Free Cash for the purpose of paying the FY10 budget shortfall as a result of the reduction in State Aid.
Article 5. The motion was made and seconded to appropriate the sum of $54,340.82 from Free Cash for the purpose of paying the FY09 deficit created by the unreimbursed costs of the December 11, 2008 ice storm.
Article 6. The motion was made and seconded to transfer the sum of $750 from the
Collector Expenses account to the Assistant Collector Wages account for the purpose of paying assistant collector wages.
Article 7. The motion was made and seconded to approve the Treasurer’s borrowing in
anticipation of State Aid for an amount not to exceed $495,000 that has been approved by the Department of Revenue Emergency Board for the purpose of paying bills and payroll.
Article 8. The motion was made and seconded to rescind its May 5, 2007 Annual Town
Meeting vote on Article 24 allocating the sum of $142,025.40 from the Stabilization Fund to pay for the Town’s portion of a Small Town Road Assistance grant pursuant to 720 CMR 11:00 contingent on receipt of said grant.
Article 9. The motion was made and seconded to transfer the sum of $500.00 from the
Town Report account to the Highway Regular Overtime account for the purpose of paying
Highway overtime wages.
Article 10. The motion was made and seconded to appropriate the sum of $2,930 from Free Cash to the Technology and Systems account for the purpose of paying for computer equipment and services.
Article 11. The motion was made and seconded to appropriate the sum of $5,900 from Free Cash to the Highway Wages account for the purpose of paying highway wages.
Article 12. The motion was made and seconded to accept Massachusetts General Law,
Chapter 143, Section 3Z allowing a part-time building inspector to perform construction work in the town in which he is inspector.
The motion was made and seconded to dissolve the Special Town Meeting at 7:58 PM , and so voted.
Lorraine Pease
Ashby Town Clerk
Friday, November 27, 2009
Special Town Meeting, Monday, Nov. 30th, 7:00 pm
Articles for Special Town Meeting, 11/30/2009
Article 1. To see if the Town will vote to transfer the sum of $47.58 from the Town Report account to the Prior Year Bills account for the purpose of paying a prior year Cemetery bill, or take any action thereon.
Finance Committee action: √ Approved Disapproved No Action
Article 2. To see if the Town will vote to transfer the sum of $75.00 from the Town Report account to the Prior Year Bills account for the purpose of paying a prior year Police Department Expenses bill, or take any action thereon.
Finance Committee action: √ Approved Disapproved No Action
Article 3. To see if the Town will vote to transfer the sum of $18.76 from the Town Report account to the Prior Year Bills account for the purpose of paying a prior year EMS bill, or take any action thereon.
Finance Committee action: √ Approved Disapproved No Action
Article 4. To see if the Town will vote to appropriate the sum of $50,199 from Free Cash for the purpose of paying the FY10 budget shortfall as a result of the reduction in State Aid, or take any action thereon.
Finance Committee action: Approved Disapproved √ No Action
Article 5. To see if the Town will vote to appropriate the sum of $54,340.82 from Free Cash for the purpose of paying the FY09 deficit created by the unreimbursed costs of the December 11, 2008 ice storm, or take any action thereon.
Finance Committee action: √ Approved Disapproved No Action
Article 6. To see if the Town will vote to transfer the sum of $750 from the Collector Expenses account to the Assistant Collector Wages account for the purpose of paying assistant collector wages, or take any action thereon.
Finance Committee action: Approved √ Disapproved No Action
Article 7. To see if the Town will vote to approve the Treasurer’s borrowing in anticipation of State Aid for an amount not to exceed $495,000 that has been approved by the Department of Revenue Emergency Board, for the purpose of paying bills and payroll, or take any action thereon.
Finance Committee action: Approved √ Disapproved No Action
Article 8. To see if the Town will vote to rescind its May 5, 2007 Annual Town Meeting vote on Article 24 allocating the sum of $142,025.40 from the Stabilization Fund to pay for the Town’s portion of a Small Town Road Assistance grant pursuant to 720 CMR 11:00 contingent on receipt of said grant, or take any action thereon.
Finance Committee action: √ Approved Disapproved No Action
Article 9. To see if the Town will vote to transfer the sum of $500.00 from the Town Report account to the Highway Regular Overtime account for the purpose of paying Highway overtime wages, or take any action thereon.
Finance Committee action: √ Approved Disapproved No Action
Article 10. To see if the Town will vote to appropriate the sum of $2,930 from Free Cash to the Technology and Systems account for the purpose of paying for computer equipment and services, or take any action thereon.
Finance Committee action: √ Approved Disapproved No Action
Article 11. To see if the Town will vote to appropriate the sum of $5,900 from Free Cash to the Highway Wages account for the purpose of paying highway wages, or take any action thereon.
Finance Committee action: Approved Disapproved √ No Action
Article 12. To see if the Town will vote to accept Massachusetts General Law, Chapter 143, Section 3Z allowing a part-time building inspector to perform construction work in the town in which he is inspector, or take any action thereon.
Finance Committee action: √ Approved Disapproved No Action
H1N1 Flu Vaccination Dec. 3rd for Priority Groups
Please follow this link or paste the web address into your browser to view the notice. This vaccination clinic is restricted to high priority groups.
Clinic to be held Dec. 3rd at Ashby Elementary School from 4:00 - 7:00 pm.
Monday, November 23, 2009
Selectmen's Agenda for November 24th
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
1. 7:00 p.m. - Selectmen Open Board of Selectmen’s Meeting
2. Selectmen Approve Minutes of November 10, 2009
3. Selectmen Approve and Sign Payroll Warrant W21P in the amount of $43,587.77 and Vendor Warrant 22B in the amount of $116,910.14
4. 7:15 p.m. – Selectmen hold Tax Rate Hearing (Harald Scheid)
5. Request for Selectmen’s Granting of Exemption for Police Officer Fred Alden from MGL 268A, Sections 19(b)(1) and 20(h)
6. Request for Selectmen’s Input on Boundaries of the Proposed Sewer District (Alan Pease)
7. Request for Selectmen’s Consideration of Lowering Liquor License Fees (Bill Arnold)
8. Request for Selectmen’s Approval and Signatures on 2010 Class II and Class III Motor Vehicle License Renewals and accompanying Conditions for P&S Trucks & Parts, Inc.
9. Request for Selectmen’s Approval and Signatures on 2010 Motor Vehicle License Renewals (including Class II Conditions) for:
v B&Z Enterprises Class II
v Tip Top Motors Class II
v Tracy’s Auto Body and Sales Class II
10. Request for Selectmen’s Signature on Letter of Engagement to Melanson Heath Auditors
11. Request for Selectmen’s Acceptance of Resignation of Linda Sanders as Town Administrator effective December 31, 2009
12. Request for Selectmen’s Acceptance of Resignation of Florence Bryan from the Ashby Historical Commission effective December 31, 2009
13. Town Administrator’s Report
14. Public Comments (if any)
15. Adjourn
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
1. 7:00 p.m. - Selectmen Open Board of Selectmen’s Meeting
2. Selectmen Approve Minutes of November 10, 2009
3. Selectmen Approve and Sign Payroll Warrant W21P in the amount of $43,587.77 and Vendor Warrant 22B in the amount of $116,910.14
4. 7:15 p.m. – Selectmen hold Tax Rate Hearing (Harald Scheid)
5. Request for Selectmen’s Granting of Exemption for Police Officer Fred Alden from MGL 268A, Sections 19(b)(1) and 20(h)
6. Request for Selectmen’s Input on Boundaries of the Proposed Sewer District (Alan Pease)
7. Request for Selectmen’s Consideration of Lowering Liquor License Fees (Bill Arnold)
8. Request for Selectmen’s Approval and Signatures on 2010 Class II and Class III Motor Vehicle License Renewals and accompanying Conditions for P&S Trucks & Parts, Inc.
9. Request for Selectmen’s Approval and Signatures on 2010 Motor Vehicle License Renewals (including Class II Conditions) for:
v B&Z Enterprises Class II
v Tip Top Motors Class II
v Tracy’s Auto Body and Sales Class II
10. Request for Selectmen’s Signature on Letter of Engagement to Melanson Heath Auditors
11. Request for Selectmen’s Acceptance of Resignation of Linda Sanders as Town Administrator effective December 31, 2009
12. Request for Selectmen’s Acceptance of Resignation of Florence Bryan from the Ashby Historical Commission effective December 31, 2009
13. Town Administrator’s Report
14. Public Comments (if any)
15. Adjourn
Monday, November 16, 2009
Public Auction of Real Estate Taken for Taxes
To Whom It May Concern:
You are hereby notified that:
Real estate taxes levied by the Town of Ashby remain due and unpaid upon the following parcels of property:
Parcel: Fort Hill Rd, Map 11, Parcel 126, Lot 0; 0.47 acres
Former Owner(s): Richards, Phillip
Instrument of Taking: Middlesex S.D. Reg. Deeds B 32896, P 165
Minimum bid approved by the Board of Selectmen: $2,500.00
Parcel: Fort Hill Rd, Map 11, Parcel 121, Lot 0; 0.05 acres
Former Owner(s): Brown, Ruth
Instrument of Taking: Middlesex S.D. Reg. Deeds B 31112, P 394
Parcel: Spring Hill Rd, Map 11, Parcel 122, Lot 0; 0.23 acres
Former Owner(s): Brown, Ruth
Instrument of Taking: Middlesex S.D. Reg. Deeds B 31112, P 395
The above two parcels will be auctioned together. Minimum bid approved by the Board of Selectmen: $2,000.00
Parcel: Fort Hill Rd, Map 11, Parcel 125, Lot 0; 0.44 acres
Former Owner(s): Brown, Ruth
Instrument of Taking: Middlesex S.D. Reg. Deeds B 31112, P 396
Minimum bid approved by the Board of Selectmen: $2,000.00
Parcel: Turnpike Rd, Map 5, Parcel 88, Lot 0; 1.100 acres
Former Owner(s): Foote Construction Co.
Instrument of Taking: Middlesex S.D. Reg. Deeds B 46144, P 452
Minimum bid approved by the Board of Selectmen: $1,000.00
Parcel: Lower Wright Pond, Map 14, Parcel 23, Lot 0; 0.15 acres
Former Owner(s): Ethier, Jeremy.
Instrument of Taking: Middlesex S.D. Reg. Deeds B 50380, P 144
Minimum bid approved by the Board of Selectmen: $600.00
Parcel: Lower Wright Pond, Map 14, Parcel 25, Lot 0; 0.19 acres
Former Owner(s): Ethier, Jeremy.
Instrument of Taking: Middlesex S.D. Reg. Deeds B 50380, P 145
Minimum bid approved by the Board of Selectmen: $600.00
Parcel: Lower Wright Pond, Map 14, Parcel 33, Lot0; 0.28 acres
Former Owner(s): Ethier, Jeremy
Instrument of Taking: Middlesex S.D. Reg. Deeds B 50380, P 146
Minimum bid approved by the Board of Selectmen: $600.00
Buyers should be aware that the Town of Ashby does not warranty or guarantee these properties to be in conformity with existing zoning by-laws or other applicable codes or regulations. The Treasurer is selling the properties “as is”.
Under the provisions of M.G.L. Chapter 60, §77B, on Saturday, December 12, 2009
at 10:00 a.m., at Town Hall, the Treasurer of the Town of Ashby will conduct a public auction for the purpose of assigning the Town’s tax title in and to the above-referenced parcel of land to the highest bidder provided that the Treasurer may reject any bid which she deems inadequate.
1. The successful bidder at said auction shall be required to deposit with the Town Treasurer a security deposit in the form of a Bank check in the amount of $500.00 at the time of auction, payable to the Town of Ashby
2. The balance will be due and payable to the Town Treasurer via a Bank check within 14 days from the date of the auction.
3. Failure to pay the balance in full within 14 days from the date of the auction will result in the forfeiture of the sale.
4. A $125 Bank check made payable to the Commonwealth of MA / Middlesex County Registry of Deeds is required for the recording of the Treasurer’s Deed.
5. The successful bidder shall pay Pro Forma Taxes at the closing, which would be calculated from the closing date through the end of Fiscal Year 2010.
Upon receipt of the full bid amount, the Treasurer shall execute and deliver on behalf of the Town an appropriate instrument assigning the subject tax title.
Dated:________ _____________________________________
Kate Stacy, Treasurer
To Whom It May Concern:
You are hereby notified that:
Real estate taxes levied by the Town of Ashby remain due and unpaid upon the following parcels of property:
Parcel: Fort Hill Rd, Map 11, Parcel 126, Lot 0; 0.47 acres
Former Owner(s): Richards, Phillip
Instrument of Taking: Middlesex S.D. Reg. Deeds B 32896, P 165
Minimum bid approved by the Board of Selectmen: $2,500.00
Parcel: Fort Hill Rd, Map 11, Parcel 121, Lot 0; 0.05 acres
Former Owner(s): Brown, Ruth
Instrument of Taking: Middlesex S.D. Reg. Deeds B 31112, P 394
Parcel: Spring Hill Rd, Map 11, Parcel 122, Lot 0; 0.23 acres
Former Owner(s): Brown, Ruth
Instrument of Taking: Middlesex S.D. Reg. Deeds B 31112, P 395
The above two parcels will be auctioned together. Minimum bid approved by the Board of Selectmen: $2,000.00
Parcel: Fort Hill Rd, Map 11, Parcel 125, Lot 0; 0.44 acres
Former Owner(s): Brown, Ruth
Instrument of Taking: Middlesex S.D. Reg. Deeds B 31112, P 396
Minimum bid approved by the Board of Selectmen: $2,000.00
Parcel: Turnpike Rd, Map 5, Parcel 88, Lot 0; 1.100 acres
Former Owner(s): Foote Construction Co.
Instrument of Taking: Middlesex S.D. Reg. Deeds B 46144, P 452
Minimum bid approved by the Board of Selectmen: $1,000.00
Parcel: Lower Wright Pond, Map 14, Parcel 23, Lot 0; 0.15 acres
Former Owner(s): Ethier, Jeremy.
Instrument of Taking: Middlesex S.D. Reg. Deeds B 50380, P 144
Minimum bid approved by the Board of Selectmen: $600.00
Parcel: Lower Wright Pond, Map 14, Parcel 25, Lot 0; 0.19 acres
Former Owner(s): Ethier, Jeremy.
Instrument of Taking: Middlesex S.D. Reg. Deeds B 50380, P 145
Minimum bid approved by the Board of Selectmen: $600.00
Parcel: Lower Wright Pond, Map 14, Parcel 33, Lot0; 0.28 acres
Former Owner(s): Ethier, Jeremy
Instrument of Taking: Middlesex S.D. Reg. Deeds B 50380, P 146
Minimum bid approved by the Board of Selectmen: $600.00
Buyers should be aware that the Town of Ashby does not warranty or guarantee these properties to be in conformity with existing zoning by-laws or other applicable codes or regulations. The Treasurer is selling the properties “as is”.
Under the provisions of M.G.L. Chapter 60, §77B, on Saturday, December 12, 2009
at 10:00 a.m., at Town Hall, the Treasurer of the Town of Ashby will conduct a public auction for the purpose of assigning the Town’s tax title in and to the above-referenced parcel of land to the highest bidder provided that the Treasurer may reject any bid which she deems inadequate.
1. The successful bidder at said auction shall be required to deposit with the Town Treasurer a security deposit in the form of a Bank check in the amount of $500.00 at the time of auction, payable to the Town of Ashby
2. The balance will be due and payable to the Town Treasurer via a Bank check within 14 days from the date of the auction.
3. Failure to pay the balance in full within 14 days from the date of the auction will result in the forfeiture of the sale.
4. A $125 Bank check made payable to the Commonwealth of MA / Middlesex County Registry of Deeds is required for the recording of the Treasurer’s Deed.
5. The successful bidder shall pay Pro Forma Taxes at the closing, which would be calculated from the closing date through the end of Fiscal Year 2010.
Upon receipt of the full bid amount, the Treasurer shall execute and deliver on behalf of the Town an appropriate instrument assigning the subject tax title.
Dated:________ _____________________________________
Kate Stacy, Treasurer
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Flu Clinic Finder, Seasonal & H1N1
Links to the Flu Clinic locators on this site are provided as a public service to assist individuals in finding vaccine clinics. The Town of Ashby does not control nor can it verify the information provided by these sites.
Please note that some flu clinic locations may only be providing vaccines to specific priority populations like pregnant women or small children. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has issued guidelines on who should get seasonal influenza, here, and on who should get the H1N1 vaccination, here. Check with your healthcare provider about which vaccine is appropriate for you.
Massachusetts Public Flu Clinic Finder, public clinics only
Google Flu Clinic Finder, includes both public and commercial clinics
American Lung Association Flu Clinic Finder, appears to be similar to the Google Finder.
For more Information go to
If links in this feed do not work go to and follow links there.
Please note that some flu clinic locations may only be providing vaccines to specific priority populations like pregnant women or small children. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has issued guidelines on who should get seasonal influenza, here, and on who should get the H1N1 vaccination, here. Check with your healthcare provider about which vaccine is appropriate for you.
Massachusetts Public Flu Clinic Finder, public clinics only
Google Flu Clinic Finder, includes both public and commercial clinics
American Lung Association Flu Clinic Finder, appears to be similar to the Google Finder.
For more Information go to
If links in this feed do not work go to and follow links there.
Friday, November 13, 2009
Special Town Meeting 11/30/09 at 7:00 pm
A Special Town Meeting is called for November 30, 2009 at 7:00 pm in the Elementary school. Warrant
Monday, November 9, 2009
Selectmen's Agenda for November 10th
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
1. 7:00 p.m. - Selectmen Open Board of Selectmen’s Meeting
2. Selectmen Approve Minutes of October 28, 2009
3. Selectmen Approve and Sign Payroll Warrant W19P in the amount of $37,170.94, Payroll Warrant W19P1 in the amount of $1,165.00 and Vendor Warrant 20B in the amount of $678,843.07
4. Request for Selectmen’s Approval and Signature on Request for Reserve Fund Transfer in the amount of $112.20 to the Finance Committee Expenses Account
5. Request for Selectmen’s Approval and Signature on Request for Reserve Fund Transfer in the amount of $25.81 to the Historical Commission Expenses Account
6. Request for Selectmen’s Approval and Signatures on ABCC Liquor Licenses Renewal Forms
7. Request for Selectmen’s Signatures on November 30, 2009 Special Town Meeting Masters (5)
8. Request for Selectmen’s Signature on Letter to the DHCD to comply with the Additional Special Condition to Accomplish Energy Efficiencies and Own Cost Savings
9. Request for Selectmen to set December 1, 2009 as Closing Date for Police Chief Applications (Police Chief Search Committee)
10. Request for Selectmen’s Exemption of Police Officer Fred Alden Pursuant to MGL Chapter 268A, Section 20 by Appointing him as a Special Municipal Employee to allow him to be a Voting Member of the Police Chief Search Committee (Fred Alden)
11. Request for Selectmen’s Input on Revisiting obtaining the Engineering Plan for Tying Town Hall’s Failed Septic into the Elementary School’s Septic (Bruce Adams)
12. Selectmen Update on Right of Way to Jones Hill Road Tax Title Property (Andrew Leonard)
13. Request for Selectmen’s Discussion on Minimum Bids for the 8 Parcels to be Auctioned (Kate Stacy)
14. Selectmen Update on Two Portable Classrooms available from North Middlesex School District (Linda Sanders)
15. Town Administrator’s Report
16. Public Comments (if any)
17. Adjourn
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
1. 7:00 p.m. - Selectmen Open Board of Selectmen’s Meeting
2. Selectmen Approve Minutes of October 28, 2009
3. Selectmen Approve and Sign Payroll Warrant W19P in the amount of $37,170.94, Payroll Warrant W19P1 in the amount of $1,165.00 and Vendor Warrant 20B in the amount of $678,843.07
4. Request for Selectmen’s Approval and Signature on Request for Reserve Fund Transfer in the amount of $112.20 to the Finance Committee Expenses Account
5. Request for Selectmen’s Approval and Signature on Request for Reserve Fund Transfer in the amount of $25.81 to the Historical Commission Expenses Account
6. Request for Selectmen’s Approval and Signatures on ABCC Liquor Licenses Renewal Forms
7. Request for Selectmen’s Signatures on November 30, 2009 Special Town Meeting Masters (5)
8. Request for Selectmen’s Signature on Letter to the DHCD to comply with the Additional Special Condition to Accomplish Energy Efficiencies and Own Cost Savings
9. Request for Selectmen to set December 1, 2009 as Closing Date for Police Chief Applications (Police Chief Search Committee)
10. Request for Selectmen’s Exemption of Police Officer Fred Alden Pursuant to MGL Chapter 268A, Section 20 by Appointing him as a Special Municipal Employee to allow him to be a Voting Member of the Police Chief Search Committee (Fred Alden)
11. Request for Selectmen’s Input on Revisiting obtaining the Engineering Plan for Tying Town Hall’s Failed Septic into the Elementary School’s Septic (Bruce Adams)
12. Selectmen Update on Right of Way to Jones Hill Road Tax Title Property (Andrew Leonard)
13. Request for Selectmen’s Discussion on Minimum Bids for the 8 Parcels to be Auctioned (Kate Stacy)
14. Selectmen Update on Two Portable Classrooms available from North Middlesex School District (Linda Sanders)
15. Town Administrator’s Report
16. Public Comments (if any)
17. Adjourn
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Highway Department Job Openings
The Highway Department is seeking applicants for the following positions:
Equipment Operator/Truck Driver/Laborer
Equipment Operator/Laborer during the winter months
Job Description
Applications must be received by the Highway Department by 11/23/2009 at 3:30 pm.
Equipment Operator/Truck Driver/Laborer
Equipment Operator/Laborer during the winter months
Job Description
Applications must be received by the Highway Department by 11/23/2009 at 3:30 pm.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Draft Open Space Plan, Comments Needed
The draft plan is based on comments received at a public forum on June 15, 2009. We are now taking comments on this draft with special focus on the sections on the Goals and Objectives and the Five Year Action Plan.
A second public hearing will be held on December 1, 2009 at 7:00 pm in the Ashby Town Hall, first floor to hear additional input. Comments can be emailed to or sent by mail to Land Use Agent, 895 Main St., Ashby, MA 01431.
All files in pdf format.
Draft Open Space Plan, complete with maps, 5.4 MB
Draft Open Space Plan text only no maps, 425 KB
A second public hearing will be held on December 1, 2009 at 7:00 pm in the Ashby Town Hall, first floor to hear additional input. Comments can be emailed to or sent by mail to Land Use Agent, 895 Main St., Ashby, MA 01431.
All files in pdf format.
Draft Open Space Plan, complete with maps, 5.4 MB
Draft Open Space Plan text only no maps, 425 KB
It's Up to You to Stop the Flu
Northeast Homeland Security Regional Advisory Council (NERAC)
As millions of Massachusetts children and teenagers returned to school this month, at the start of a serious flu season, the Northeast Homeland Security Regional Advisory Council (NERAC) has an important health message: "It's Up to You to Stop the Flu."
Funded by a U.S. Department of Homeland Security grant, this public information campaign provides ways to stay healthier, including:
-- Get the flu shot
-- Wash your hands or sanitize often
-- Sneeze or cough into a tissue or your sleeve
-- Stay home when sick
-- don't bring the flu bug to work or school.
As millions of Massachusetts children and teenagers returned to school this month, at the start of a serious flu season, the Northeast Homeland Security Regional Advisory Council (NERAC) has an important health message: "It's Up to You to Stop the Flu."
Funded by a U.S. Department of Homeland Security grant, this public information campaign provides ways to stay healthier, including:
-- Get the flu shot
-- Wash your hands or sanitize often
-- Sneeze or cough into a tissue or your sleeve
-- Stay home when sick
-- don't bring the flu bug to work or school.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Selectmen's Agenda for Oct. 28th
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
1. 6:30 p.m. - Selectmen Open Board of Selectmen’s Meeting
6:30 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. Selectmen Talk with Police Chief Search Committee Volunteers
2. Selectmen Approve Minutes of October 14, 2009
3. Selectmen Approve and Sign Payroll Warrant W17P in the amount of $45,435.07 and Vendor Warrant 18B in the amount of $158,347.14
4. Request for Selectmen’s Approval and Signature on Request for Reserve Fund Transfer to the Highway Regular Overtime Account for $225.30
5. Request for Selectmen’s Approval and Signature on Request for Reserve Fund Transfer to Police Expenses in the Amount of $5,882.00
6. Request for Selectmen’s Approval and Signature on Request for Reserve Fund Transfer to Historical Commission Expenses in the Amount of $54.20
7. Request for Selectmen’s Signatures on Letter of Gratitude for Dondi LaRue’s Fifteen Years of Service
8. Request for Selectmen’s Appointment of Johanna Grutchfield to the Council on Aging
9. Request for Selectmen’s Acceptance of Resignation of Chris Wallace, the Highway Equipment Operator
10. Selectmen Update on the Ashby Open Space Plan (Conservation Commission and Land Use Agent)
11. Request for Selectmen’s Signatures on Special State Primary Warrant for Tuesday, December 8, 2009 from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
12. Selectmen Briefing on CDBG Grant Program with Hubbardston (Shelly Hatch, MRPC)
13. Request for Selectmen’s Signature on Agreement with the Montachusett Regional Planning Commission for the Administration and Implementation of the CDBG Grant
14. Request for Selectmen’s Signature on Agreement for Housing Rehabilitation Services with Jack McCarthy, dba Home Tech, Inc.
15. Request for Selectmen’s Signature on Agreement with Attorney Thomas C. Gustafson for Title Rundown and Recording Services
16. Request for Selectmen’s Signature on Memorandum of Agreement with the Montachusett Regional Planning Commission for Group Procurement of Office Supplies
17. Request for Selectmen’s Selection of a Monday Date for the Special Town Meeting
18. Request for Selectmen’s Review of the STM Articles List and Decisions about what to Include on the Warrant
19. Town Administrator’s Report
20. Public Comments (if any)
21. Adjourn
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
1. 6:30 p.m. - Selectmen Open Board of Selectmen’s Meeting
6:30 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. Selectmen Talk with Police Chief Search Committee Volunteers
2. Selectmen Approve Minutes of October 14, 2009
3. Selectmen Approve and Sign Payroll Warrant W17P in the amount of $45,435.07 and Vendor Warrant 18B in the amount of $158,347.14
4. Request for Selectmen’s Approval and Signature on Request for Reserve Fund Transfer to the Highway Regular Overtime Account for $225.30
5. Request for Selectmen’s Approval and Signature on Request for Reserve Fund Transfer to Police Expenses in the Amount of $5,882.00
6. Request for Selectmen’s Approval and Signature on Request for Reserve Fund Transfer to Historical Commission Expenses in the Amount of $54.20
7. Request for Selectmen’s Signatures on Letter of Gratitude for Dondi LaRue’s Fifteen Years of Service
8. Request for Selectmen’s Appointment of Johanna Grutchfield to the Council on Aging
9. Request for Selectmen’s Acceptance of Resignation of Chris Wallace, the Highway Equipment Operator
10. Selectmen Update on the Ashby Open Space Plan (Conservation Commission and Land Use Agent)
11. Request for Selectmen’s Signatures on Special State Primary Warrant for Tuesday, December 8, 2009 from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.
12. Selectmen Briefing on CDBG Grant Program with Hubbardston (Shelly Hatch, MRPC)
13. Request for Selectmen’s Signature on Agreement with the Montachusett Regional Planning Commission for the Administration and Implementation of the CDBG Grant
14. Request for Selectmen’s Signature on Agreement for Housing Rehabilitation Services with Jack McCarthy, dba Home Tech, Inc.
15. Request for Selectmen’s Signature on Agreement with Attorney Thomas C. Gustafson for Title Rundown and Recording Services
16. Request for Selectmen’s Signature on Memorandum of Agreement with the Montachusett Regional Planning Commission for Group Procurement of Office Supplies
17. Request for Selectmen’s Selection of a Monday Date for the Special Town Meeting
18. Request for Selectmen’s Review of the STM Articles List and Decisions about what to Include on the Warrant
19. Town Administrator’s Report
20. Public Comments (if any)
21. Adjourn
Local Contractors Needed
The Towns of Ashby and Hubbardston were recently awarded Community Development Block Grant funds to conduct a housing rehabilitation program in both towns.
The Montachusett Regional Planning Commission (MRPC) has been hired by the Towns to administer the grant program. We are looking for local contractors that might be interested in participating in this new program.
The type of renovations that are covered within this program is roofing repairs or replacement; installing insulation; window and door replacement; upgrades to heating, plumbing and electrical systems; drainage and structural issues; removal of lead or asbestos; and repairs or replacement for failed septic systems.
If you are a licensed general contractor, lead remover, electrician, plumber, or septic installer, carry insurance, and are looking for local jobs, please contact Shelly Hatch at MRPC, 978-345-7376, x305.
The Montachusett Regional Planning Commission (MRPC) has been hired by the Towns to administer the grant program. We are looking for local contractors that might be interested in participating in this new program.
The type of renovations that are covered within this program is roofing repairs or replacement; installing insulation; window and door replacement; upgrades to heating, plumbing and electrical systems; drainage and structural issues; removal of lead or asbestos; and repairs or replacement for failed septic systems.
If you are a licensed general contractor, lead remover, electrician, plumber, or septic installer, carry insurance, and are looking for local jobs, please contact Shelly Hatch at MRPC, 978-345-7376, x305.
Monday, October 26, 2009
New Ethics Law Requirements
On July 1, 2009 Governor Patrick signed into law Chapter 28 of the Acts of 2009 (the “Bill”) making changes to the state’s conflict of interest law and the State Ethics Commission’s enabling act. On September 29, 2009 portions of the Bill that relate to the conflict of interest law go into effect.
Each municipal employee (as well as unpaid elected or appointed officials) is required to sign a written acknowledgement that he/she has been provided with a summary of the bill and such written acknowledgement must be filed with the town clerk. See and print Summary of the Conflict of Interest Law for Municipal Employees
The Bill also adds a new Section 28 to the conflict of interest law, which provides that every “municipal employee shall, within 30 days after becoming such an employee, and every 2 years thereafter, complete the online training program. Upon completion of the online training program, the employee shall provide notice of such completion to be retained for 6 years” by the city/town clerk.
The Commission currently has on its website an online training program, which, until such time as it is revised, should be the program used by municipal employees to comply with this training requirement. Upon completion of the program, employees should print out the completion certificate, keep a copy themselves and provide a copy to the city or town clerk.
Each municipal employee (as well as unpaid elected or appointed officials) is required to sign a written acknowledgement that he/she has been provided with a summary of the bill and such written acknowledgement must be filed with the town clerk. See and print Summary of the Conflict of Interest Law for Municipal Employees
The Bill also adds a new Section 28 to the conflict of interest law, which provides that every “municipal employee shall, within 30 days after becoming such an employee, and every 2 years thereafter, complete the online training program. Upon completion of the online training program, the employee shall provide notice of such completion to be retained for 6 years” by the city/town clerk.
The Commission currently has on its website an online training program, which, until such time as it is revised, should be the program used by municipal employees to comply with this training requirement. Upon completion of the program, employees should print out the completion certificate, keep a copy themselves and provide a copy to the city or town clerk.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Call for Entries in Quilt Show at Library
Upcoming Quilt Exhibition at the Carol H. Steele Gallery of the Library.
You don’t have to be a professional quilter to show off your work. Quilts may be hand or machine pieced and quilted. The Exhibition will run from early December 2009through January 2010.
Send photos of up to three quilts by November 13 to the AFPL, PO Box 279, Ashby, MA 01431. Include the size of the piece and your contact information – name, address, telephone, and email. Maximum size is 36” – 60”. The work must be framed with attached wire, or supported by a rod for hanging purposes. For more information, contact Ann-marie LaBollita 978-386-7710 or
Upcoming Quilt Exhibition at the Carol H. Steele Gallery of the Library.
You don’t have to be a professional quilter to show off your work. Quilts may be hand or machine pieced and quilted. The Exhibition will run from early December 2009through January 2010.
Send photos of up to three quilts by November 13 to the AFPL, PO Box 279, Ashby, MA 01431. Include the size of the piece and your contact information – name, address, telephone, and email. Maximum size is 36” – 60”. The work must be framed with attached wire, or supported by a rod for hanging purposes. For more information, contact Ann-marie LaBollita 978-386-7710 or
Halloween Parking Restrictions
The traditional Ashby Halloween event-will be held Saturday, October 31, 2009 in Ashby Center from 6:00 p.m. until 8:00 p.m.
To improve safety through increased visibility, we are prohibiting parking on Main Street from South Road to the library from 4:00 p.m. until the event ends.
You will be able to access your driveways but we seek your cooperation and ask that you do not park on the street from 2:00 p.m.
If you have any questions please call 978-386-5652. Thank you for helping to ensure a safe Halloween.
Edward J. Drew
Acting Chief of Police
To improve safety through increased visibility, we are prohibiting parking on Main Street from South Road to the library from 4:00 p.m. until the event ends.
You will be able to access your driveways but we seek your cooperation and ask that you do not park on the street from 2:00 p.m.
If you have any questions please call 978-386-5652. Thank you for helping to ensure a safe Halloween.
Edward J. Drew
Acting Chief of Police
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Selectmen's Agenda for Oct. 14th
Selectmen's Agenda pdf
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
1. 7:00 p.m. - Selectmen Open Board of Selectmen’s Meeting
2. Selectmen Approve Minutes of September 30, 2009
3. Selectmen Approve and Sign Payroll Warrant W15P in the amount of $38,286.57 and Vendor Warrant 16B in the amount of $33,192.32
4. Request for Selectmen’s Approval and Signature on Request for Reserve Fund Transfer to the Highway Regular Overtime Account for $225.30
5. Request for Selectmen’s Acceptance of Resignation of Dona Sue LaRue and Signatures on Letter of Gratitude for her Service
6. Request for Selectmen’s Consideration of Foreclosed Properties that are Ready for Auction (Treasurer)
7. Request for Selectmen’s Designation of Liaison to the Ethics Commission
8. Request for Selectmen’s Signatures on GIS Authorization Letter to MRPC
9. Request for Selectmen’s Signatures on Letters of Appreciation to Mike Bussell and Bruce Adams
10. Request for Selectmen’s Vote to Authorize the Superintendent of the North Middlesex Regional School District to Submit Statement of Interest for a Grant to fund the Repair/Replacement of the Ashby Elementary School Roof
11. Request for Selectmen’s Acceptance of Tamara Leclerc’s Resignation as Ashby Member at Large to the North Middlesex Regional School Committee and to attend a Joint Meeting with the School Committee and Three Boards of Selectmen on Monday, November 16, 2009 at 6:00 p.m. at the Professional Development Center at the High School
12. Request for Selectmen’s Policy on placing certain Community Events Links on the Town’s Web Site (Alan Pease)
13. Selectmen Briefing on CDBG Grant Program with Hubbardston (Shelly Hatch, MRPC)
14. Request for Selectmen’s Decision regarding Support of Updating the Massachusetts Bottle Bill
15. Request for Selectmen’s Decision regarding Proclaiming October 24, 2009 as United Nations Day in Ashby
16. Selectmen Discuss Police Chief Search Committee
17. Selectmen Discuss Whether to Call a Fall Special Town Meeting
18. Town Administrator’s Report
19. Public Comments (if any)
20. Adjourn
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
1. 7:00 p.m. - Selectmen Open Board of Selectmen’s Meeting
2. Selectmen Approve Minutes of September 30, 2009
3. Selectmen Approve and Sign Payroll Warrant W15P in the amount of $38,286.57 and Vendor Warrant 16B in the amount of $33,192.32
4. Request for Selectmen’s Approval and Signature on Request for Reserve Fund Transfer to the Highway Regular Overtime Account for $225.30
5. Request for Selectmen’s Acceptance of Resignation of Dona Sue LaRue and Signatures on Letter of Gratitude for her Service
6. Request for Selectmen’s Consideration of Foreclosed Properties that are Ready for Auction (Treasurer)
7. Request for Selectmen’s Designation of Liaison to the Ethics Commission
8. Request for Selectmen’s Signatures on GIS Authorization Letter to MRPC
9. Request for Selectmen’s Signatures on Letters of Appreciation to Mike Bussell and Bruce Adams
10. Request for Selectmen’s Vote to Authorize the Superintendent of the North Middlesex Regional School District to Submit Statement of Interest for a Grant to fund the Repair/Replacement of the Ashby Elementary School Roof
11. Request for Selectmen’s Acceptance of Tamara Leclerc’s Resignation as Ashby Member at Large to the North Middlesex Regional School Committee and to attend a Joint Meeting with the School Committee and Three Boards of Selectmen on Monday, November 16, 2009 at 6:00 p.m. at the Professional Development Center at the High School
12. Request for Selectmen’s Policy on placing certain Community Events Links on the Town’s Web Site (Alan Pease)
13. Selectmen Briefing on CDBG Grant Program with Hubbardston (Shelly Hatch, MRPC)
14. Request for Selectmen’s Decision regarding Support of Updating the Massachusetts Bottle Bill
15. Request for Selectmen’s Decision regarding Proclaiming October 24, 2009 as United Nations Day in Ashby
16. Selectmen Discuss Police Chief Search Committee
17. Selectmen Discuss Whether to Call a Fall Special Town Meeting
18. Town Administrator’s Report
19. Public Comments (if any)
20. Adjourn
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Council on Aging Seeks Volunteers for Meals on Wheels
Volunteers are needed this fall for two very important programs that support Ashby elders. Do you have an hour or so available in the middle of the day once a week? Meals on Wheels drivers are needed for Tuesdays or Fridays at 11:15 a.m. The Meals on Wheels program provides a nutritious, hot meal to homebound seniors five days per week. Drivers must be 18 years or older and have a valid driver’s license. Please call Angie Godin at 978-386-6800 to volunteer for Meals on Wheels.
A new program introduced this fall to support isolated Ashby seniors is the Friendly Visitor program. Many elders live alone and Friendly Visiting promotes better physical, mental and emotional health for seniors while creating lasting and meaningful relationships between seniors and volunteers.
Friendly Visitor volunteers are matched with an Ashby elder and volunteer one or two hours of their time each week. Time spent together can include talking, writing letters, playing cards, taking walks or rides, running errands together or reading. All Council on Aging volunteers are required to have a CORI check (criminal background). If you wish to be a Friendly Visitor please call Kathryn Becker at 978-386-2424 ext. 27.
A new program introduced this fall to support isolated Ashby seniors is the Friendly Visitor program. Many elders live alone and Friendly Visiting promotes better physical, mental and emotional health for seniors while creating lasting and meaningful relationships between seniors and volunteers.
Friendly Visitor volunteers are matched with an Ashby elder and volunteer one or two hours of their time each week. Time spent together can include talking, writing letters, playing cards, taking walks or rides, running errands together or reading. All Council on Aging volunteers are required to have a CORI check (criminal background). If you wish to be a Friendly Visitor please call Kathryn Becker at 978-386-2424 ext. 27.
Friday, October 2, 2009
Notice of Abandoned Checks updated Oct. 1, 2009
October 1, 2009
"Notice of Names of Persons Appearing to be Owners of Checks Issued by the Town of Ashby, Which Have Not Been Cashed and are Deemed Abandoned"
Information about each check may be obtained by a person expressing an interest in the check by addressing an inquiry to Kate Stacy / Treasurer of the Town of Ashby, 895 Main Street – Lock Box 12, Ashby MA 01431 Phone # 978-386-2424 Extension 23.
Town of City
Mary Krapf
1023 Piper Road
MCSA Treasurer / Charlene A. Fisk
2 Carpenter Street
Robert P. Walsh
1530 Pearl Hill Road
Ryan M. Cerullo
18 Stone Brook Drive
Vega & Martha Adolfo
2 Scott Road
Patricia Warner
50 Beaver Dam Road
Gary Beals
61 Turnpike Road
Andrew & Catherine Miller
805 Fitchburg State Road
posted 10/2/2009
"Notice of Names of Persons Appearing to be Owners of Checks Issued by the Town of Ashby, Which Have Not Been Cashed and are Deemed Abandoned"
Information about each check may be obtained by a person expressing an interest in the check by addressing an inquiry to Kate Stacy / Treasurer of the Town of Ashby, 895 Main Street – Lock Box 12, Ashby MA 01431 Phone # 978-386-2424 Extension 23.
Town of City
Mary Krapf
1023 Piper Road
MCSA Treasurer / Charlene A. Fisk
2 Carpenter Street
Robert P. Walsh
1530 Pearl Hill Road
Ryan M. Cerullo
18 Stone Brook Drive
Vega & Martha Adolfo
2 Scott Road
Patricia Warner
50 Beaver Dam Road
Gary Beals
61 Turnpike Road
Andrew & Catherine Miller
805 Fitchburg State Road
posted 10/2/2009
Pumpkin Festival, Oct. 3rd rain or shine at AES gym
Pumpkin Festival, will be held rain or shine on Saturday, Oct. 3rd, 10:00 - 4:00 at Ashby Elementary School Gym
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Selectmen's Agenda for September 30th
1. 7:00 p.m. - Selectmen Open Board of Selectmen’s Meeting
2. Selectmen Approve Minutes of September 16 and September 23, 2009
3. Selectmen Approve and Sign Payroll Warrant W13P in the amount of
$39,807.34 and Vendor Warrant 14B in the amount of $182,029.32
4. Request for Selectmen’s Approval and Signature on a Request for Reserve
Fund Transfer of $91.01 to Highway Regular Overtime
5. Request for Selectmen’s Acceptance of Florence Bryan’s Resignation
from the Historic District Commission
6. Request for Selectmen’s Appointment of Dave Boutwell to fill the
Vacancy on the Historical District Commission with a Term to Expire
on June 30, 2012
7. Request for Selectmen’s Designation of Liaison to the Ethics
8. Request for Selectmen’s Signature on Building Inspector Official
Certification Report Form
9. Request for Environmental Certifying Officer’s Signature on Housing
10. Request for Selectmen’s Signature on CDBG Contract, Authorized
Signature Verification Form and Financial Interest Disclosure Report
for the Housing Rehab Project
11. Selectmen Discuss Police Chief Search Committee
12. Request for Selectmen’s Discussion on Whether to Call a Fall Special
Town Meeting
13. Request for Selectmen’s Discussion of Notice of Financial Group
Meeting Time (Lillian Whitney)
14. Request for Selectmen’s Discussion of Priorities for FY2011 Budget
(Finance Committee)
15. Town Administrator’s Report
16. Public Comments (if any)
17. Adjourn
2. Selectmen Approve Minutes of September 16 and September 23, 2009
3. Selectmen Approve and Sign Payroll Warrant W13P in the amount of
$39,807.34 and Vendor Warrant 14B in the amount of $182,029.32
4. Request for Selectmen’s Approval and Signature on a Request for Reserve
Fund Transfer of $91.01 to Highway Regular Overtime
5. Request for Selectmen’s Acceptance of Florence Bryan’s Resignation
from the Historic District Commission
6. Request for Selectmen’s Appointment of Dave Boutwell to fill the
Vacancy on the Historical District Commission with a Term to Expire
on June 30, 2012
7. Request for Selectmen’s Designation of Liaison to the Ethics
8. Request for Selectmen’s Signature on Building Inspector Official
Certification Report Form
9. Request for Environmental Certifying Officer’s Signature on Housing
10. Request for Selectmen’s Signature on CDBG Contract, Authorized
Signature Verification Form and Financial Interest Disclosure Report
for the Housing Rehab Project
11. Selectmen Discuss Police Chief Search Committee
12. Request for Selectmen’s Discussion on Whether to Call a Fall Special
Town Meeting
13. Request for Selectmen’s Discussion of Notice of Financial Group
Meeting Time (Lillian Whitney)
14. Request for Selectmen’s Discussion of Priorities for FY2011 Budget
(Finance Committee)
15. Town Administrator’s Report
16. Public Comments (if any)
17. Adjourn
Monday, September 28, 2009
Historical Society 2010 Calendar Available

Ashby History Through Art Calendar
One of the goals of the Ashby Historical Society is to preserve records and artifacts that tell the story of Ashby history and to remind its citizens from time to time of that history. The aim of this calendar is to do just that.
The artists represented here are all Ashby residents. Each one chose the subject and the medium for their painting or drawing, the only requirement being that the subject be a place or person or activity that is a part of Ashby history - old or recent.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Notice of Abandoned Checks
According to MGL Chapter 200A: Section 9A the Treasurer must post for not less than 60 days on the Town's official Internet website the following information:
September 28, 2009
"Notice of Names of Persons Appearing to be Owners of Checks Issued by the Town of Ashby, Which Have Not Been Cashed and are Deemed Abandoned"
September 28, 2009
"Notice of Names of Persons Appearing to be Owners of Checks Issued by the Town of Ashby, Which Have Not Been Cashed and are Deemed Abandoned"
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Bernhardt Road Bridge Replacement Planning Meeting
The Ashby Selectmen have called a special Bernhardt Road Bridge Replacement Planning Meeting for Wednesday, September 23, 2009 at 7:00 p.m. in the 2nd floor Selectmen’s Meeting Room in the Ashby Town Hall.
The public is invited to come with their ideas and suggestions concerning the replacement of the Bernhardt Road Bridge that was recently removed after being closed for 8 years after half of the southern abutment wall collapsed into the Trap Falls Brook due to flood damage.
The bridge, at a span of 18 feet 6 inches, does not qualify for state funding because the span is less than 20 feet. Ashby, as most other cities and towns, does not have available funds to cover the estimated replacement cost of approximately $980,000.
The reason this bridge is important is that it serves as a safer access road than Wheeler Road on Amadon Hill to the Route 119. It also is a safety route for exiting Willard Brook State Park, especially in cases of emergency such as fire or auto accidents that could create a bottle neck on that winding section of Route 119.
The public is invited to come with their ideas and suggestions concerning the replacement of the Bernhardt Road Bridge that was recently removed after being closed for 8 years after half of the southern abutment wall collapsed into the Trap Falls Brook due to flood damage.
The bridge, at a span of 18 feet 6 inches, does not qualify for state funding because the span is less than 20 feet. Ashby, as most other cities and towns, does not have available funds to cover the estimated replacement cost of approximately $980,000.
The reason this bridge is important is that it serves as a safer access road than Wheeler Road on Amadon Hill to the Route 119. It also is a safety route for exiting Willard Brook State Park, especially in cases of emergency such as fire or auto accidents that could create a bottle neck on that winding section of Route 119.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Flu Shots
Flu Shots, Tuesday, Oct. 6, 10:00 – 12:00 at the Library. Sponsored by Nashoba Nursing and Ashby Board of Health.
Friday, September 4, 2009
Ashby Hazardous Waste Collection Day
DATE: Saturday, September 26, 2009, 9am-1pm
PLACE: Lunenburg DPW, 520 Chase Rd, Route 13
WHO: Anyone, business, non-residents
FEE: varies depending on volume & items
Simple Pre-registration:
or call Tessa at 978-660-6130
PLACE: Lunenburg DPW, 520 Chase Rd, Route 13
WHO: Anyone, business, non-residents
FEE: varies depending on volume & items
Simple Pre-registration:
or call Tessa at 978-660-6130
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Selectmen's Agenda for Sept. 2, 2009
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
1. 7:00 p.m. - Selectmen Open Board of Selectmen’s Meeting
2. Selectmen Approve Minutes of August 19, 2009
3. Selectmen Approve and Sign Payroll Warrant W09P in the amount of $41,217.87, and Vendor Warrant 10B in the amount of $122,456.23
4. Request for Selectmen’s Acceptance of Resignation of Paul Lundin as Special Municipal Constable
5. Request for Selectmen’s Signatures on Interim Police Chief Agreement
6. Selectmen Discuss Hayes/Racine Issue with Town Counsel
7. Request for Selectmen’s Support for Legislation and for Attendance at the Hearing of the Joint Committee on Telecommunications, Utilities and Energy on September 9, 2009
8. Request for Selectmen’s Signatures on Letter of Support for the Forest Legacy Application (Al Futterman)
9. Request for Discussion of Petition Certified by Town Clerk (Walsh)
10. Town Administrator’s Report
11. Public Comments (if any)
12. Adjourn
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
1. 7:00 p.m. - Selectmen Open Board of Selectmen’s Meeting
2. Selectmen Approve Minutes of August 19, 2009
3. Selectmen Approve and Sign Payroll Warrant W09P in the amount of $41,217.87, and Vendor Warrant 10B in the amount of $122,456.23
4. Request for Selectmen’s Acceptance of Resignation of Paul Lundin as Special Municipal Constable
5. Request for Selectmen’s Signatures on Interim Police Chief Agreement
6. Selectmen Discuss Hayes/Racine Issue with Town Counsel
7. Request for Selectmen’s Support for Legislation and for Attendance at the Hearing of the Joint Committee on Telecommunications, Utilities and Energy on September 9, 2009
8. Request for Selectmen’s Signatures on Letter of Support for the Forest Legacy Application (Al Futterman)
9. Request for Discussion of Petition Certified by Town Clerk (Walsh)
10. Town Administrator’s Report
11. Public Comments (if any)
12. Adjourn
Friday, August 7, 2009
Finance Committee seeking members
The Finance Committee is seeking up to 4 new members. If you are intersted in Ashby's budget and financial affairs this the committee for you. Contact a member or attend one of our meetings.
Committee Members:
Lillian Whitney, chair
John Steffian
Suzanne Caron
Lisa Granquist Dorward
Meeting schedule; 2nd and 4th Tuesdays at 7:30 PM
Committee Members:
Lillian Whitney, chair
John Steffian
Suzanne Caron
Lisa Granquist Dorward
Meeting schedule; 2nd and 4th Tuesdays at 7:30 PM
Senator Kerry
An aide from Senator Kerry's office will be available in the Selectmen's room on Tuesday, August 11th from 10:00-11:00 am to hear comments and questions from Ashby residents.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Selectmen's Agenda for July 8th
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
1. 7:00 p.m. - Selectmen Open Board of Selectmen’s Meeting
2. Selectmen Approve Minutes of June 24, 2009
3. Selectmen Approve and Sign Payroll Warrants W53P in the amount of $31,461.52 and W01P in the amount of $11,162.77, Vendor Warrant W54B in the amount of $52,207.41and Vendor Warrant 02B in the amount of $57,816.20
4. Request for Selectmen’s Signatures on Garland Construction Contract
5. Request for Selectmen’s Signatures on Conservation Restriction (Packard)
6. 7:30 p.m. – Selectmen Open Highway Road Materials Bids
7. Request for Selectmen’s Approval for Bill Ladue of 999 Jones Hill Road to repair the Jones Hill Road Bridge at No Cost
8. Request for Selectmen’s Discussion of Account Transfer Issues (Lillian Whitney)
9. Town Administrator’s Report
10. Public Comments (if any)
11. Selectmen Enter Executive Session to Discuss Deployment of Security Personnel and will Reconvene in Open Session
12. Adjourn
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
1. 7:00 p.m. - Selectmen Open Board of Selectmen’s Meeting
2. Selectmen Approve Minutes of June 24, 2009
3. Selectmen Approve and Sign Payroll Warrants W53P in the amount of $31,461.52 and W01P in the amount of $11,162.77, Vendor Warrant W54B in the amount of $52,207.41and Vendor Warrant 02B in the amount of $57,816.20
4. Request for Selectmen’s Signatures on Garland Construction Contract
5. Request for Selectmen’s Signatures on Conservation Restriction (Packard)
6. 7:30 p.m. – Selectmen Open Highway Road Materials Bids
7. Request for Selectmen’s Approval for Bill Ladue of 999 Jones Hill Road to repair the Jones Hill Road Bridge at No Cost
8. Request for Selectmen’s Discussion of Account Transfer Issues (Lillian Whitney)
9. Town Administrator’s Report
10. Public Comments (if any)
11. Selectmen Enter Executive Session to Discuss Deployment of Security Personnel and will Reconvene in Open Session
12. Adjourn
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Band Concerts on the Common
All concerts start at 7:30 pm. Concerts will be postponed for rain and re-scheduled in August. Please use area parking lots as there is very limited parking on Main St.
Wednesday July 8th
Wednesday July 15th
Wednesday July 22nd
Wednesday July 29th
Wednesday August 5th, Big Band Concert
Wednesday July 8th
Wednesday July 15th
Wednesday July 22nd
Wednesday July 29th
Wednesday August 5th, Big Band Concert
Monday, June 29, 2009
July 3rd Bonfire
"Night Before the Fourth" Barbecue, Band Concert and Bonfire. July 3rd at Allen Field. Gates open at 4:00 pm.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Selectmen's Agenda for 6-24-2009
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
1. 7:00 p.m. - Selectmen Open Board of Selectmen’s Meeting
2. Selectmen Approve Minutes of June 10, 2009
3. Selectmen Approve and Sign Payroll Warrant W51P in the amount of $56,522.78 and Vendor Warrant W52B in the amount of $42,977.66 and Vendor Warrant W00B in the amount of $159,874.82
4. Request for Selectmen’s Approval and Signatures on Year-End Account Transfers
5. Request for Selectmen’s Signatures on Letter of Thanks to Carol McCarter
6. Request for Selectmen’s Signatures on Bottle Bill Resolution
7. Request for Selectmen’s Decision to Negotiate With and Purchase from One or More Insurance Companies, Savings Banks or Non-Profit Hospital, Medical, Dental or other Service Corporations, a Policy or Policies of Group Life and Accidental Death and Dismemberment Insurance Covering Employees, and Group General or Blanket Insurance providing Hospital, Surgical, Medical and Dental Benefits Covering Employees and their Dependents as provided under Section 11 and Section 11A of MGL Chapter 32B and to Execute all Agreements pertaining to said Policies or any Amendments on behalf and in the name of the Town of Ashby.
8. Request for Selectmen’s Approval for Bill Ladue of 999 Jones Hill Road to repair the Jones Hill Road Bridge at No Cost
9. Request for Selectmen’s Award of the Debris Removal Services Bid
10. 7:30 p.m. – Selectmen Briefing on Reverse 911 Program
11. Request for Selectmen’s Delegation of EMS Appointing Authority to the Fire Chief
12. Request for Selectmen’s Annual Appointments (see list)
13. Request for Selectmen’s Appointment of Townsend Police Officers as Special Police Officers in Ashby
14. Town Administrator’s Report
15. Public Comments (if any)
16. Adjourn
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
1. 7:00 p.m. - Selectmen Open Board of Selectmen’s Meeting
2. Selectmen Approve Minutes of June 10, 2009
3. Selectmen Approve and Sign Payroll Warrant W51P in the amount of $56,522.78 and Vendor Warrant W52B in the amount of $42,977.66 and Vendor Warrant W00B in the amount of $159,874.82
4. Request for Selectmen’s Approval and Signatures on Year-End Account Transfers
5. Request for Selectmen’s Signatures on Letter of Thanks to Carol McCarter
6. Request for Selectmen’s Signatures on Bottle Bill Resolution
7. Request for Selectmen’s Decision to Negotiate With and Purchase from One or More Insurance Companies, Savings Banks or Non-Profit Hospital, Medical, Dental or other Service Corporations, a Policy or Policies of Group Life and Accidental Death and Dismemberment Insurance Covering Employees, and Group General or Blanket Insurance providing Hospital, Surgical, Medical and Dental Benefits Covering Employees and their Dependents as provided under Section 11 and Section 11A of MGL Chapter 32B and to Execute all Agreements pertaining to said Policies or any Amendments on behalf and in the name of the Town of Ashby.
8. Request for Selectmen’s Approval for Bill Ladue of 999 Jones Hill Road to repair the Jones Hill Road Bridge at No Cost
9. Request for Selectmen’s Award of the Debris Removal Services Bid
10. 7:30 p.m. – Selectmen Briefing on Reverse 911 Program
11. Request for Selectmen’s Delegation of EMS Appointing Authority to the Fire Chief
12. Request for Selectmen’s Annual Appointments (see list)
13. Request for Selectmen’s Appointment of Townsend Police Officers as Special Police Officers in Ashby
14. Town Administrator’s Report
15. Public Comments (if any)
16. Adjourn
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Town Wide Brush Removal to begin.
Brush & Storm Damage Tree Removal
Town-wide brush and storm damaged tree removal will start to take place over the coming weeks. It is the goal of the Town to substantially complete the brush and tree removal by July 15th. Residents will be allowed to put any woody storm debris they have in their yard out by the road.
No specific street schedules are available.
Wood debris should be stacked within 10 feet of the roadway to be picked up. Crews cannot enter private property.
Town-wide brush and storm damaged tree removal will start to take place over the coming weeks. It is the goal of the Town to substantially complete the brush and tree removal by July 15th. Residents will be allowed to put any woody storm debris they have in their yard out by the road.
No specific street schedules are available.
Wood debris should be stacked within 10 feet of the roadway to be picked up. Crews cannot enter private property.
Friday, June 12, 2009
Monday, June 8, 2009
2009 Open Space Plan Meeting
Public meeting seeking input for the 2009-2014 Open Space Plan. June 15th at 7:00pm in Town Hall
Paste, Paper & Book Making at Library
Paper & Bookmaking Workshop at the Library, Saturday, June 13th & 20th. Sign up in advance
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Monday, May 11, 2009
Hot Air Balloon demo at AES
Beemster Cheese Hot Air Balloon demonstration on Wed. May 13th at Ashby Elementary School weather permitting.
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Prop 2 1/2 Override Election
Prop 2 1/2 Override Election, Tuesday, June 16, 2009, Noon - 7:30 pm, Warrant .
Town meeting article of appropriatons effected by the override.
Town meeting article of appropriatons effected by the override.
Monday, May 4, 2009
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Town Meeting Results
Results of the Special Town Meeting, May 2, 2009 (pdf)
Results of the Annual Town Meeting, May 2, 2009 (pdf)
Approved Budget for Fiscal year 2010 (pdf)
Results of Annual Town Election, April 27, 2009
Results of the Annual Town Meeting, May 2, 2009 (pdf)
Approved Budget for Fiscal year 2010 (pdf)
Results of Annual Town Election, April 27, 2009
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Friday, April 17, 2009
Annual Town Meeting
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Wheeler Road Bridge Repair Schedule
The following is from the MassHighway web site.
This project consists of replacing the current bridge with a new steel bridge to be built on the same alignment as the existing bridge. The proposed bridge will have a curb to curb dimension of 29.5 feet. A 5 foot sidewalk will be located on the north side of the bridge. During construction, the bridge will be closed and vehicular traffic will be detoured. A temporary sidewalk will be constructed to allow pedestrians to cross Willard Brook.
Town of Townsend
Design Responsibility:Consultant
Right of Way Responsibility:Municipality
Construction Begins:Summer 2010
Project Manager:Adam G Hoey
Estimated Construction Cost:$1,759,340.89
MassHighway District:District 3
Current Status:Comments on the 75% design phase project plans have been returned to the Design Engineer (as of 01/10/2008)
This project consists of replacing the current bridge with a new steel bridge to be built on the same alignment as the existing bridge. The proposed bridge will have a curb to curb dimension of 29.5 feet. A 5 foot sidewalk will be located on the north side of the bridge. During construction, the bridge will be closed and vehicular traffic will be detoured. A temporary sidewalk will be constructed to allow pedestrians to cross Willard Brook.
Town of Townsend
Design Responsibility:Consultant
Right of Way Responsibility:Municipality
Construction Begins:Summer 2010
Project Manager:Adam G Hoey
Estimated Construction Cost:$1,759,340.89
MassHighway District:District 3
Current Status:Comments on the 75% design phase project plans have been returned to the Design Engineer (as of 01/10/2008)
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Bridge Serving Turnpike & Wheeler Rds is Closed
As of March 31st the Wheeler Road bridge that connects Ashby and Townsend via Turnpike Road is closed.
Statement by Townsend Town Administrator, Greg Barnes,
Based on a recent inspection by the State's District Bridge Inspection Unit, the Wheeler Road Bridge has been determined to be unsafe for vehicular traffic. Hence, residents should make immediate plans to use alternative routes oftravel. The bridge is likely to be officially blocked off to all vehicular traffic as early as March 31, 2009. I am well aware of the inconvenience that shutting down the bridge will cause many of Ashby's residents. On behalf of Townsend, I truly apologize for this. However, in light of the strong recommendation of the State, I think that we have no other option at this time than to shut it down or otherwise incur potential severe liability should anything go wrong. I will be discussing this issue with the Board of Selectmen tomorrow night.
Statement by Townsend Town Administrator, Greg Barnes,
Based on a recent inspection by the State's District Bridge Inspection Unit, the Wheeler Road Bridge has been determined to be unsafe for vehicular traffic. Hence, residents should make immediate plans to use alternative routes oftravel. The bridge is likely to be officially blocked off to all vehicular traffic as early as March 31, 2009. I am well aware of the inconvenience that shutting down the bridge will cause many of Ashby's residents. On behalf of Townsend, I truly apologize for this. However, in light of the strong recommendation of the State, I think that we have no other option at this time than to shut it down or otherwise incur potential severe liability should anything go wrong. I will be discussing this issue with the Board of Selectmen tomorrow night.
Monday, March 30, 2009
Cemetery Clean Up
Cemetery Commission - Request for volunteers to clean up debris from ice storm on April 18th.
Friday, March 27, 2009
Hearing for Amendments to Zoning Bylaw
Planning Board Zoning Bylaw Hearings, Rate of Development & Small Wind Energy Systems, April 8, 2009
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Volunteers Wanted to Help Seniors
Council on Aging - Volunteers needed to help a senior with yard clean from the ice storm.
Transfer Station Accepting Electronics

Ashby Recycle Center & Transfer Station
Now accepting electronics ( computers, tv's, microwaves, etc.)
Now accepting electronics ( computers, tv's, microwaves, etc.)
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Roadside Clean Up
Roadside Clean Up Day, Saturday, April 25th, Pick up trash along the roadside & dispose of it free!
Monday, March 16, 2009
Brush Disposal
Free Brush and Wood Disposal Every Saturday in April!
ARCTS (Ashby Recycle Center & Transfer Station) and Ashby's Dept. of Emergency Management are providing free brush & wood disposal throughout April. ARTCS will be open every Saturday in April from 9:00am - 1:00pm for brush and wood disposal (no construction materials please). Drop off at the Greenville Road facility.
Trash and recycling will still be accepted on the second & fourth Saturdays
ARCTS (Ashby Recycle Center & Transfer Station) and Ashby's Dept. of Emergency Management are providing free brush & wood disposal throughout April. ARTCS will be open every Saturday in April from 9:00am - 1:00pm for brush and wood disposal (no construction materials please). Drop off at the Greenville Road facility.
Trash and recycling will still be accepted on the second & fourth Saturdays
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Results of Special Town Meeting
Article 1. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, transfer from available funds and/or borrow the sum of $265,300 for the purpose of paying for architectural, engineering and related services to complete the design, initial project management, geotechnical engineering and construction bid documents for a new police station provided that the amount authorized to be borrowed shall be contingent upon the vote at the Town election to exempt from Proposition 2½, so called, the amount required to satisfy the obligations, including principal and interest under the bonds, or take any action thereon.
Yes 84
No 93
article defeated
Article 1. To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate, transfer from available funds and/or borrow the sum of $265,300 for the purpose of paying for architectural, engineering and related services to complete the design, initial project management, geotechnical engineering and construction bid documents for a new police station provided that the amount authorized to be borrowed shall be contingent upon the vote at the Town election to exempt from Proposition 2½, so called, the amount required to satisfy the obligations, including principal and interest under the bonds, or take any action thereon.
Yes 84
No 93
article defeated
Monday, March 9, 2009
Friday, March 6, 2009
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Special Town Meeting, March 14th
Special Town Meeting, Saturday, March 14, 2009 at 9:30 am. Warrant pdf. The single article on the Special Town Meeting would appropriate $265,300 for the design of a new police station.
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Natural Hazard Pre-Disaster Mitigation Plan
View the recently adopted Natural Hazard Pre-Disaster Mitigation Plan
Monday, February 2, 2009
NMRS schedule following ice storm
North Middlesex Regional School schedule for remainder of year. (pdf)
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
DPU hearing on Unitil
Dept. of Public Utilities local hearing scheduled regarding efforts by Unitil to prepare for and restore power following the ice storm
Monday, January 19, 2009
Community Development Strategy
Draft of Community Development Strategy, Hearing at Selectmen's Meeting, Wed. 1/21/09 at 7:30 pm (MSWord)
Monday, January 12, 2009
Ashby Trail information sought
The Conservation Commission is seeking information on Ashby's trails.
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Board of Health Position
Board of Health position open to fill a vacancy. If interested contact the Selectmen's office by 1/19/2009.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Friday, January 2, 2009
Brush Burning Permit
Open Air Burn Permit 2009
fee: $25.00
January 1, 2009
The Town of Ashby has been granted permission by MASSDEP to begin the 2009 "Open Air Burning Season before the January 15th, 2009 start date due to the December 11th, 2008 Ice Storm.
Permits can be obtained at either the Ashby Police/Dispatch Center, 893 Main St. or the Ashby Fire Station, 1093 Main St. The usual fee for the burn permits will be in effect and the permit is valid until the end of the usual burn season on May 1st at 4:00 pm.
All Mass General Laws pertaining to Open Air Burning must be followed.
fee: $25.00
January 1, 2009
The Town of Ashby has been granted permission by MASSDEP to begin the 2009 "Open Air Burning Season before the January 15th, 2009 start date due to the December 11th, 2008 Ice Storm.
Permits can be obtained at either the Ashby Police/Dispatch Center, 893 Main St. or the Ashby Fire Station, 1093 Main St. The usual fee for the burn permits will be in effect and the permit is valid until the end of the usual burn season on May 1st at 4:00 pm.
All Mass General Laws pertaining to Open Air Burning must be followed.
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