Monday, May 20, 2013
Agenda for Selectmen's Meeting May 22, 2013
May 22, 2013
1. 7:00 p.m. - Selectmen Open Board of Selectmen’s Meeting
2. Selectmen Approve Minutes of May 8, 2013
3. Selectmen Approve and Sign on Payroll Warrant W45P in the amount of
$_____________ and Vendor Warrant W46B in the amount of $_________
4. Request for Selectmen’s Approval and Signature on Request for Reserve Fund
Transfer #13-07 in the amount of $119.08 to the Zoning Board Expense Account
5. Request for Selectmen’s Approval and Signatures on Ambulance Receivable
Write-off for $1,067.01
6. Request for Selectmen’s Annual Re-Appointment of Joe Mazzola as Veteran’s
Agent for a one-year term ending April 30, 2014
7. Request for Selectmen’s Designation of the Town Administrator as Liaison to the
Ethics Commission
8. Request for Selectmen’s Appointment of Kathleen O’Donnell as Special Counsel
9. Request for Selectmen’s Signatures on Special Town Election Warrant (4)
10. Request for Selectmen’s Signatures on Special State Election Warrant (4)
11. Any Other Business Not Reasonably Anticipated by the Chairman
12. Assistant to the Board of Selectmen’s Report
13. Public Comments (if any)
14. Adjourn
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
High School Building Project Community Forum
There Will be a Community Forum on the High School Building Project at Ashby Elementary on Monday, May 20th at 7:00 PM
NMRS School Committee Representative Sought
Ashby is seeking a resident who will serve as representitive on the North Middlesex Regional School Committee until the next town election. More information at
Monday, May 6, 2013
Agenda for Selectmen's Meeting May 8, 2013
May 8, 2013
1. 7:00 p.m. - Selectmen Open Board of Selectmen’s Meeting
2. Selectmen Elect Board Officers
3. Selectmen Approve Minutes of May 4, 2013
4. Selectmen Approve and Sign on Payroll Warrant W43P in the amount of
$________ and Vendor Warrant W44B in the amount of $___________
5. Request for Selectmen’s Approval and Signatures on a One Day Liquor License
for the Fitchburg Rod and Gun Club
6. Request for Selectmen’s Approval and Signatures on Chapter 90 Request
7. Request for Selectmen’s Appointment of Heather Swick as Part-time Police Fire
Signal Operator with a Probationary Period of 1 Year (Chief Drew)
8. Request for Selectmen’s Appointment of Mark Lafferty as Part-time Police Fire
Signal Operator with a Probationary Period of 1 Year (Chief Drew)
9. Request for Selectmen’s Appointment of Fred Alden as Police Lieutenant,
Effective May 12, 2013 (Chief Drew)
10. Request for Selectmen’s Approval and Signature on Town Clerk Certificate of
11. Request for Selectmen’s Approval and Signatures on Letter of Thanks to Dan
12. Request for Selectmen’s Approval and Signatures on Letter of Thanks to Peter
13. Request for Selectmen’s Appointment of Additional Members to serve on the
250th Start-up Celebration Committee (for Ashby’s 250th Anniversary)
14. Any Other Business Not Reasonably Anticipated by the Chairman
15. Assistant to the Board of Selectmen’s Report
16. Public Comments (if any)
17. Adjourn