Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Volunteers Needed for Seniors Chore Corp Program

Volunteers needed for the Council on Aging Chore Program. Help your community by volunteering a few hours to clean up a senior's yard. Make it a family outing and teach your kids the value of being a volunteer. Call the COA office at 978-386-2424 ext. 27 to sign up.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Selectmen's Agenda for Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Tuesday, March 29, 2011

1. 6:00 p.m. - Selectmen Open Board of Selectmen’s Meeting

2. Selectmen Approve Minutes of March 8 and 16, 2011

3. Selectmen Approve Payroll Warrant W39P in the amount of $____________, and Vendor Warrant W40B in the amount of $___________

4. Request for Selectmen’s Signatures on CDBG FY10 Agreement for Septic Program Participant Ashby Case #1 (MRPC)

5. Request for Selectmen’s Signatures on CDBG FY10 Agreement for Septic Program Participant Ashby Case #2 (MRPC)

6. Request for Selectmen’s Signatures on CDBG FY10 Agreement for Septic Program Participant Ashby Case #3 (MRPC)

7. Presentation of Unitil Energy Audit and Recommend Course of Action (Jim Hubert and Alan Pease)

8. Request for Selectmen’s Signatures on Vote of Intention to Lay Out (Alan Pease)

9. Request for Selectmen’s Approval and Signature on Request for Reserve Fund Transfer #11-35 in the amount of $1,188.31 to the Highway Barn Fuel Expense Account

10. Request for Selectmen’s Approval and Signature on Request for Reserve Fund Transfer #11-36 in the amount of $1,095.90 to the Highway Machinery Expense Account

11. Request for Selectmen’s Appointment of Peter Niall as Building Inspector for a one-year term from April 1, 2011 to March 31, 2012

12. Request for Selectmen’s Appointment of Richard Hanks as Building Inspector Alternate for a one-year term from April 1, 2011 to March 31, 2012

13. Request for Selectmen’s Signatures on Annual Town Election Warrant

14. Selectmen Designate Board of Selectmen Representative for North Middlesex Regional School District Planning Committee

15. Joint Meeting with the Finance Committee for FY2012 Budget and Warrant Articles Discussions

16. Selectmen Vote on Special and Annual Town Meeting Warrant Articles

17. Assistant to the Board of Selectmen’s Report

18. Public Comments (if any)

19. Adjourn

Friday, March 11, 2011

Agenda Selectmen's Meeting, March 16, 2011


Wednesday, March 16, 2011

1. 7:00 p.m. - Selectmen Open Board of Selectmen’s Meeting

2. Selectmen Approve Minutes of March 2, 8 and 9, 2011

3. Selectmen Approve Payroll Warrant W37P in the amount of $___________, Vendor Warrant W38B in the amount of $____________, Vendor Warrant W38B1 in the amount of $______________

4. Request for Selectman’s Signature on Amendment #1 for CDBG FY10 Housing Rehabilitation Program (MRPC)

5. Request for Selectman’s Signature on Budget and Program Revision Form for CDBG FY09 (MRPC)

6. Request for Selectmen’s Approval and Signature on Request for Reserve Fund Transfer #11-28 in the amount of $724.17 to the Police Expense Account

7. Request for Selectmen’s Approval and Signature on Request for Reserve Fund Transfer #11-29 in the amount of $880.00 to the Library Building Maintenance Expense Account

8. Request for Selectmen’s Approval and Signature on Request for Reserve Fund Transfer #11-30 in the amount of $1,224.92 to the Library Building Maintenance Expense Account

9. Request for Selectmen’s Approval and Signature on Request for Reserve Fund Transfer #11-31 in the amount of $809.20 to the Highway Barn Fuel Expense Account

10. Request for Selectmen’s Approval and Signature on Request for Reserve Fund Transfer #11-32 in the amount of $800.00 to the Highway Expense Account

11. Request for Selectmen’s Approval and Signature on Request for Reserve Fund Transfer #11-33 in the amount of $190.00 to the Highway Expense Account

12. Request for Selectmen’s Approval and Signature on Request for Reserve Fund Transfer #11-34 in the amount of $390.00 to the Highway Expense Account

13. Motion to Appoint Keith Maynard, Nancy Catalini, Marie Gulliford, Mark Haines, Mike Bussell, Paul Lasorsa and Dan Johnson to the School Building Committee

14. Request for Selectmen’s Appointment of Paul Lessard as Electrical Inspector for a one-year term from April 1, 2011 to March 31, 2012

15. Request for Selectmen’s Appointment of Steve Dubois as Assistant Electrical Inspector for a one-year term from April 1, 2011 to March 31, 2012

16. Request for Selectmen’s Approval of Building Inspector’s Appointments of Richard Kapenas as Plumbing and Gas Inspector for a one-year term from April 1, 2011 to March 31, 2012 and Gary Williams as Plumbing and Gas Inspector Alternate for a one-year term from April 1, 2011 to March 31, 2012

17. Request for Selectmen’s Appointment of Donna Leonard to the Board of Registrars for a three-year term ending March 1, 2014

18. Request for Selectmen’s Appointment of Sarah Leonard as Alternate to the Board of Registrars for a one-year term ending March 1, 2012

19. Request for Selectmen’s Acceptance of the Resignation of Paul Lieneck from the Economic Development Plan Committee

20. Selectmen Vote on Special and Annual Town Meeting Warrant Articles

21. Assistant to the Board of Selectmen’s Report

22. Public Comments (if any)

23. Adjourn

Friday, March 4, 2011

Rabies Clinic, March 12th

Rabies Clinic, Saturday, March 12th, 9:00-11:00 am at the West Townsend Fire Station. Bring your current rabies certificate to receive a 3 year vaccination.