Friday, February 25, 2011

Sustainable Economic Development Plan Meeting

TUESDAY, MARCH 1, 2011 at 7 pm
Ashby Town Hall
Please join us! We want to hear from you!


 Introduction to the Plan – Alan Pease, Ashby Planning Board & Chris Ryan, Ashby Land Use Agent

 District Local Technical Assistance (DLTA) Program - John Hume, Planning & Development Director, MRPC

 Scope of Services for Ashby Sustainable Economic Development Plan – Jennifer Siciliano, Regional Planner, MRPC

 Demographic Data for Ashby – Jennifer Siciliano, Regional Planner, MRPC

 Comments and Questions – You

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Agenda for Selectmen's Meeting March 2, 2011


Wednesday, March 2, 2011

1. 7:00 p.m. - Selectmen Open Board of Selectmen’s Meeting

2. Representative Bastien and Senator Flanagan Discuss FY2012 Budget

3. Selectmen Approve Minutes of February 16, 2011

4. Selectmen Approve Payroll Warrant W35P in the amount of $____________, Vendor Warrant W36B in the amount of $__________, Vendor Warrant W36B1 in the amount of $_____________

5. Request for Selectmen’s Approval and Signature on Request for Reserve Fund Transfer #11-26 in the amount of $200.00 to the Police Expense Account

6. Selectmen Discuss USDA Community Programs Direct Loan (Treasurer)

7. Request for Selectman’s Signature on Amendments for CDBG FY10 Housing Rehabilitation and Infrastructure Programs and CDBG FY09 Joint Housing Rehabilitation Program (11 Total - MRPC)

8. Request for Selectmen’s Appointment of Mary Krapf to the Economic Development Plan Committee (Alan Pease)

9. Selectmen Designate Two Representatives for Group Solar RFP Evaluations or Vote to have Separate Evaluation at Working Session (Alan Pease)

10. Selectmen Discuss Daley Drive (Alan Pease)

11. Request for Selectmen’s Acceptance of the Resignation of George Beauregard as Municipal Grounds Keeper effective March 1, 2011

12. Request for Selectmen’s Permission to Hold 5k Benefit Road Race on April 9th

13. Request for Selectmen’s Permission to Hold Annual Girl Scout 5k Benefit Road Race and Use of Allen Field on June 4th

14. Assistant to the Board of Selectmen’s Report

15. Public Comments (if any)

16. Adjourn

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Energy Seminar, Thursday, Feb. 24th

Your Home is Leaking Heat!

How is the Cold Air getting in and the Heated Air getting out of your Home?

The Town of Ashby’s Energy Efficiency Committee will present an Energy Seminar at the Ashby Free Public Library on Thursday, February 24, 2011 from 7:00-8:00 PM

The program will concentrate on Air Infiltration. It will show homeowners where to look for the “holes” in their houses which are responsible for higher heating bills. The presenter will be Jim Hubert. He has over 35 years in the building trade and a concentrated interest in energy efficient homes.

Questions like “What’s the best energy saving home improvement project I could do?”—New Windows—Not Always! How about Energy Audits are they worth it? Should I add more insulation, how about caulk, or spray foam? These subjects and more will be addressed.

So join us and bring your questions!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Representative Richard Bastien in Ashby on Friday

State Rep. Richard Bastein will hold public office hours in Ashby between 9:00-11:00am on Friday, Feb.18th in the Selectmen's meeting room at Town Hall. Please feel free to drop by with any questions or call 617-722-2425 at anytime to make an appointment.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Selectmen's Agenda for February 16, 2011


Wednesday, February 16, 2011

1. 7:00 p.m. - Selectmen Open Board of Selectmen’s Meeting

2. Selectmen Approve Minutes of January 19 and February 7, 2011

3. Selectmen Approve Payroll Warrant W33P in the amount of $_____________, Vendor Warrant W34B in the amount of $__________, Vendor Warrant W34B1 in the amount of $_________

4. Selectmen Discuss Regionalization (Ed Vitone and Doug Briggs)

5. Request for Selectmen’s Appointment of ____________________________to the Economic Development Planning Committee (Alan Pease)

6. Request for Selectmen’s Authorization to link Ashby’s Town Website to the Website

7. Request for Selectmen’s Approval and Signature on Request for Reserve Fund Transfer #11-17 in the amount of $1,459.45 to the Municipal Building Repair Account

8. Request for Selectmen’s Approval and Signature on RCTS Enterprise Emergency Reserve Fund Transfer RCTS#3 in the amount of $________ to the ______________ Account

9. Request for Selectmen’s Approval and Signature on Request for Reserve Fund Transfer #11-18 in the amount of $2,496.00 to the Police Expense Account

10. Request for Selectmen’s Approval and Signature on Request for Reserve Fund Transfer #11-19 in the amount of $1,854.00 to the Police Expense Account

11. Request for Selectmen’s Approval and Signature on Request for Reserve Fund Transfer #11-20 in the amount of $851.87 to the Police Expense Account

12. Request for Selectmen’s Approval and Signature on Request for Reserve Fund Transfer #11-21 in the amount of $360.70 to the Police Expense Account

13. Request for Selectmen’s Approval and Signature on Request for Reserve Fund Transfer #11-22 in the amount of $2,175.00 to the Police Expense Account

14. Request for Selectmen’s Approval and Signature on Request for Reserve Fund Transfer #11-23 in the amount of $794.35 to the Police Expense Account

15. Request for Selectmen’s Approval and Signature on Request for Reserve Fund Transfer #11-24 in the amount of $3,300.00 to the Police Expense Account

16. Request for Selectmen’s Approval and Signature on Request for Reserve Fund Transfer #11-25 in the amount of $430.10 to the Highway Machinery Expense Account

17. Request for Selectmen’s Approval and Signature on Request for Reserve Fund Transfer #11-26 in the amount of $4,066.45 to the Highway Machinery Expense Account

18. Selectmen Designate Board of Selectmen Advisor to Police/Communications Regionalization Study Committee

19. Selectmen Designate Board of Selectmen Representative for Highway Union Negotiations

20. Selectmen Discuss Working Session for Collins Center

21. Assistant to the Board of Selectmen’s Report

22. Public Comments (if any)

23. Adjourn

Friday, February 11, 2011

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Selectmen Agenda for Feb. 7, 2011, 6:30 pm


Monday, February 7, 2011

1. 6:30 p.m. - Selectmen Open Board of Selectmen’s Meeting

2. Selectmen Approve Minutes of December 22, 2010

3. Selectmen Approve Payroll Warrant W31P in the amount of $46,234.83,

Vendor Warrant W32B in the amount of $735,715.24, Vendor Warrant

W32B1 in the amount of $6,280.00

4. Request for Selectmen’s Approval and Signature on Request for Reserve Fund

Transfer #11-16 in the amount of $3,000.00 to the Veterans’ Benefit Account

(Veterans’ Agent Joe Mazzola)

5. Request for Selectmen’s Signatures on CDBG FY09 Modification of

Mortgage for Housing Rehab/Septic Program Participant Ashby Case #5


6. Request for Selectmen’s Signatures on CDBG FY09 Agreement Amendment

for Housing Rehab/Septic Program Participant Ashby Case #5 (MRPC)

7. Request for Selectmen’s Approval to Deficit Spend for Winter Operations

8. Selectmen Open Warrants for May 7, 2011 Special Town Meeting and Annual

Town Meeting

9. Request for Selectman’s Signature on Renewal of Equitable Sharing

Agreement and Certification Form for Police Department

10. Selectmen Designate Board of Selectmen Advisor to Police/Communications

Regionalization Study Committee

11. Selectmen Designate Board of Selectmen Representative for Highway Union


12. Assistant to the Board of Selectmen’s Report

13. Public Comments (if any)

14. Adjourn

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Town Hall Offices Wed. Until 5:00pm

Town Hall Offices will be closed Wed. Feb. 2nd until 5:00pm. A determination will be made on Wed. afternoon about opening offices in the evening.